The website of the Online Store uses cookie files, hereinafter referred to as cookies.
We use information saved in the "cookie" files for advertising and statistics as well as for the website's better adopting to the individual needs of Users. You can change "cookies" settings in Your web browser. However, it must be noted that this may prevent the placement of orders. If You leave these settings unchanged "cookies" will be stored in memory of the device You are using.
Cookies are small text files saved on the user’s computer or another mobile device when using the Online Store services by the user. These files serve, among other things, to use various functions applicable on a particular website or to confirm that a particular user saw specific content on a particular website.
The cookies in the Store are mainly used to maintain and save user session and to save information required by the Store to operate.
Online store uses cookies technology to store user's identifier session and also for statistic purposes. Thanks to cookies texts and advertisements are matched to the user. Additionally, the user will be logged in on the website until he logs out. The mechanism of cookies is used e.g. in the Google Analytics system.